Brandy Gibson
Alabama State Director
Birmingham, AL
Prayer time at 8:00 – 8:30 AM CST every Saturday
Prayer Conference Call: (515) 604.9000 | Access Code: 501675#
Reverend Brandy Frances Gibson is Co-Pastor and First Lady of Word of Faith Christian Center Alabama where she assists her husband, Reverend Reginald W. Gibson, Pastor. She is the Alabama State Director of Christians United for Israel – Daughters for Zion Prayer Network and President/CEO of Influential Women of Faith Ministries, Inc. She and her husband are called to international ministry based in Paris, France where they have established prayer cells in Paris, France, Brussels, Belgium, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Yeleswaram, India, Webuye, Kenya and Lagos, Nigeria.
She is a 1993 graduate of Word of Faith School of Ministry, Word of Faith International Christian Center (WOFICC), Southfield, Michigan, founder Bishop Keith A. & Pastor Deborah L. Butler. She is also a 1989 graduate of Word of Faith two-year Layman’s School and a graduate of Bethesda Temple’s two-year Catechism Program in 1982.
She and her husband assisted their pastor in the start-up satellite ministries of Word of Faith Christian Center in Jackson, MS and Faith Christian Center in Phoenix, AZ. From 1993-1995 she instructed “Christians, America and Issues of Today” at WOFICC each Sunday. She has served in many areas of the ministry, but cherishes the direct training from her Bishop and first lady Pastor Deborah. Their impartation of wisdom shared in the past and present is truly rewarding her today.
They also assisted their Pastor, Bishop Keith A. Butler as Directors over 3,400 individuals in cell ministry a week before being called to Birmingham, Alabama in 1999.
Rev. Brandy trained the trainers of Faith Christian Academy, Southfield, Michigan in Christian Image & Etiquette for grades K4 through 9th grade and has implemented extensive protocol management training for corporations, Small Business Administration, universities and other organizations.
She is a former Marketing/Communications executive of a Fortune 500 corporation, successful entrepreneur, Marketing Director of Totally Gospel Magazine and Fashion Editor of City Magazine, image consultant, writer and professional artist as well as mother of five.
Co-Pastor Brandy is also a community advocate and serves on Alabama’s Black Belt Commission for Education, Marketing & Tourism, and Small Business since its inception in 2002 under Governor Bob Riley and presently Governor Robert Bentley.
She ministers domestically and internationally at numerous churches, conferences and seminars along with her weekly radio broadcast “Influentially Speaking” impacting over 120 nations.
She is a graduate of Wayne State University, Detroit, MI majoring in Labor Studies and the University of Detroit Mercy, MI, majoring in marketing.
Her heartfelt desire is to see men and women saved, rooted and grounded in Christ Jesus and nations discipled to glorifying God.
Rev. Brandy’s mandate of joy is to serve her husband in the purpose God has ordained him. Her compelling decree from Christ is – Isaiah 60:1-5 and Matthew 28:18-20 – Go ye into all the world, make disciples of all nations…
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone Contact: (205) 317-3725
Website: www.influentials.org